All my talk about “Time to DIY”, but it’s been a year of inconsistent crafting and blogging. I need to explain.
We’ve had some health challenges this year, and in January my husband was hit with another blow: Stage 3 breast cancer. It’s rare in males and he’s only 35, but that’s an important awareness discussion for another time.
It still feels surreal. This can’t be our problem. And we never expected to be hit so early in our lives, when we have three kids under age 5, and at the time of diagnosis, a 4-week-old baby.
The range of emotions runs wide: shock, fear, frustration, sadness, anger…grief over the life we used to have. The life before it was weeded with treatments, reactions, hospitals, anticancer diets. The life when my husband didn’t have to go through so much pain. The life I often thought was stressful. The life we would have appreciated more if we knew.
It’s challenged me to look at what’s real, what’s most important. Let’s face it: there is suffering in this world. We don’t need to understand or explain the pain out of everything. Sometimes it’s just challenging, but that’s when we’re learning. Here’s what I’ve learned so far…
Some people are really strong. My husband has endured so much, but he keeps going, and he inspires me to keep going.
We all go through challenges at different points in our lives, and many people are hurting and struggling with crazy things, and oftentimes they are hidden.
God loves us through others. Many of our family and friends have rallied behind us and are willing to journey with us, no matter how long and what it takes.
Accepting help is okay. You can’t do it alone, and God helps you through other people.
Sometimes it’s just moments that are the most important. When you’re in a hurry and your son asks to help with making scrambled eggs, you say “yes” and you soak it in.
More stuff = more stress.
Self care is important, even a few minutes a day. For me, that’s DIY and crafting when I can.
There are bad days, and better days. Tomorrow is a new day, and if today is a bad day, it will most likely be better tomorrow. Hope.
Sometimes all you can do is pray, “God, give me strength,” and that’s the best thing you can do.
I don’t have an “upward spin” or conclusion and this post may seem incomplete or like a draft, and that’s because it is. Really I just wanted to explain my absence. We’re still in the middle of this “season.”
One thing is for sure, on Easter weekend, I can’t help but think about hope. Last year I wrote about hope, and little did I know at the time, it would be my topical theme for the year. That’s often all we have, yet all we need.
Happy Easter from our little Emma Hope…
Bunny ears are from the Target Dollar Spot and the basket is from Hobby Lobby. The Pottery Barn ruffled drapes and quilt are in her nursery.
Love you, friend. Here are a few things I've learned:
Your 2:05am blog posts bring tears to my eyes. 😉
You can be stubborn.
You are one of the toughest women I know.
You love the Lord even when you don't understand his plan.
You have others' health and emotional concerns on your mind when everyone around you would understand if you completely ignored them.
You have a baby girl with the biggest grin from feeling so very loved and appreciated.
You are "Safety Mom."
You have taught me to accept "Tomorrow is a new day"
You are a very dear, dear friend.
Thank you, friend! Love you!
Tomorrow is a new day…with supplemental therapy." 😉 Thanks for sticking by me, supporting, helping, and journeying!
First, love the photos of Emma!! She is precious! Second, such an insightful post full of life lessons that can truly only be learned through experience. What a year it has been for your family, and I have been so often amazed and inspired by your perseverance. "Some people are really strong." Yes, that includes you!! God is bringing you through this, one day at a time. I am blessed by your friendship and am praying for you!
Thank you, friend! YOU amaze and inspire me! I often think, "I can do this – Amanda has one more and another one the way even." Thank you for your prayers and support!