I’m not a baker. Well, I bake a lot, but I’m not Pioneer Woman whipping up amazing recipes from scratch. I’m the type A who follows recipes to a T, and I get very nervous when I see things like “a pinch” of salt. Hubby is the total opposite and throws spices all around when he cooks and it makes me uncomfortable.
So, I’m not sure what happened on Saturday when I decided to whip up with a ganache without consulting a recipe and using the ingredients in my pantry. I had no intention of blogging it – I just wanted to finish the cupcakes, but I ended up really liking it. And I’m not even a chocolate person. So maybe that means chocolate people won’t like it. Hmmmm, if you’re a chocolate person, let me know.
You might be wondering why I made cupcakes the day after Halloween. In fairness, I had some Halloween cupcake liners I felt pressured to use, and Hubby had picked up the Williams Sonoma Chocolate Cupcake Mix, so I basically had to.
Because I was recovering from Halloween, I was not in the mood to make icing and get the tips/bags out so I just threw together these ingredients to make the ganache:
1/4 cup Wilton cocoa-flavored candy melts
1/4 cup carob chips
1/8 cup milk
I started with the chips and then when those were almost melted I threw in the milk and that made it smoother and darker. It took less than five minutes. Easy peasy and perfect for sprinkle topping!
Once they were sprinkled, the little customers started rolling up. 😉
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